Functions to easily define ComplexHeatmap annotations for taxa and/or variables
tax_anno creates list describing taxa annotation (for cor_heatmap or comp_heatmap)
var_anno creates list describing variable annotation (for cor_heatmap)
undetected = 0,
which = NA,
prev = 1,
abund = 2,
size = 30,
gap = 2,
rel_sizes = NA,
args = NULL,
undetected = 0,
which = "row",
size = 15,
bar_width = 0.6,
gp = grid::gpar(fill = "grey85"),
undetected = 0,
which = "row",
size = 15,
point_size = 0.75,
box_width = 0.6,
gp = grid::gpar(fill = "grey85"),
annos = "var_box",
funs = "identity",
names = NA,
which = "column",
size = 15 * length(annos),
gap = 2,
rel_sizes = NA,
args = NULL,
old_anno_var_hist(data, vars = NA, which = "column", size = 15, ...)
old_anno_var_box(data, vars = NA, which = "column", size = 15, ...)
value above which taxa are considered present/detected in a sample
"row" or "column" annnotation
order in which prevalence annotation shown (number, or NA to not show)
order in which abundance annotation shown (number, or NA to not show)
total size (mm) of annotations (width/height depending on which)
gap in mm between annotations
relative sizes of annotations (NA for equal sizes, or same length as annos)
extra args passed to each annotation: give as list of lists (one inner list per arg, named, e.g. list(prev = list(whatever = whatever))
further named args to be passed on (to list)
phyloseq or ps-extra (or a data.frame or matrix for anno_var_* functions)
names of taxa to plot
relative width of barchart bars
a grid::gpar() object for graphics parameter settings like fill or lwd
size of outlier points in mm
relative width of boxplot boxes
name(s) of annotation(s) to show, in order (e.g. 'var_box', 'var_hist')
function(s) to transform matrix of variable values before plotting (length must be 1 or same length as annos)
names to use for each annotation in annos
names of variables to plot