A phyloseq object with an OTU table and sample data from an IBD microbiome study. Originally released as ibd example data in the corncob package.



A phyloseq-class experiment-level object with an OTU table and sample data.


Papa, E., Docktor, M., Smillie, C., Weber, S., Preheim, S. P., Gevers, D., Giannoukos, G., Ciulla, D., Tabbaa, D., Ingram, J., Schauer, D. B., Ward, D. V., Korzenik, J. R., Xavier, R. J., Bousvaros, A., Alm, E. J. & Schauer, D. B. (2012). Non-invasive mapping of the gastrointestinal microbiota identifies children with inflammatory bowel disease. PloS One, 7(6), e39242. <doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0039242>.

Duvallet, C., Gibbons, S., Gurry, T., Irizarry, R., & Alm, E. (2017). MicrobiomeHD: the human gut microbiome in health and disease [Data set]. Zenodo. <doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1146764>.