Transform taxa features, and optionally aggregate at specified taxonomic rank beforehand. You can pipe the results of tax_agg into tax_transform, or equivalently set the rank argument in tax_transform.

  rank = NA,
  keep_counts = TRUE,
  chain = FALSE,
  zero_replace = 0,
  add = 0,
  transformation = NULL,



a phyloseq object or psExtra output from tax_agg


any valid taxa transformation (e.g. from microbiome::transform)


If data is phyloseq: data are aggregated at this rank before transforming. If NA, runs tax_agg(data, rank = NA). If rank is NA and data is already psExtra, any preceding aggregation is left as is.


if TRUE, store the pre-transformation count data in psExtra counts slot


if TRUE, transforming again is possible when data are already transformed i.e. multiple transformations can be chained with multiple tax_transform calls


Replace any zeros with this value before transforming. Either a numeric, or "halfmin" which replaces zeros with half of the smallest value across the entire dataset. Beware: the choice of zero replacement is not tracked in the psExtra output.


Add this value to the otu_table before transforming. If add != 0, zero_replace does nothing. Either a numeric, or "halfmin". Beware: this choice is not tracked in the psExtra output.


deprecated, use trans instead!


any extra arguments passed to microbiome::transform or pass undetected = a number when using trans = "binary"


psExtra object including phyloseq and extra info


This function often uses microbiome::transform internally and can perform the same transformations, including many from vegan::decostand (where the default MARGIN = 2). See below for notes about some of the available transformations.

tax_transform returns a psExtra containing the transformed phyloseq object and extra info (used for annotating ord_plot ordinations):

  • tax_transform (a string recording the transformation),

  • tax_agg (a string recording the taxonomic aggregation rank if specified here or earlier in tax_agg).

A few commonly used transformations:

  • "clr", or "rclr", perform the centered log ratio transformation, or the robust clr, using microbiome::transform

  • "compositional" converts the data into proportions, from 0 to 1.

  • "identity" does not transform the data, and records this choice for ord_plot

  • "binary" can be used to transform tax abundances into presence/abundance data.

  • "log2" which performs a log base 2 transformation (don't forget to set zero_replace if there are any zeros in your data)

(r)clr transformation note

If any values are zero, the clr transform routine first adds a small pseudocount of min(relative abundance)/2 to all values. To avoid this, you can replace any zeros in advance by setting zero_replace to a number > 0.

The rclr transform does not replace zeros. Instead, only non-zero features are transformed, using the geometric mean of non-zero features as denominator.

Binary transformation notes

By default, otu_table values of 0 are kept as 0, and all positive values are converted to 1 (like decostand(method = "pa")). You can set a different threshold, by passing e.g. undetected = 10, for example, in which case all abundances of 10 or below would be converted to 0. All abundances above 10 would be converted to 1s.

Beware that the choice of detection threshold is not tracked in the psExtra.

See also

microbiome::transform for some more info on available transformations

vegan::decostand for even more transformation options



data("dietswap", package = "microbiome")

# aggregate taxa at Phylum level and center log ratio transform the phyla counts
tax_transform(dietswap, trans = "clr", rank = "Phylum")
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 8 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 222 samples by 8 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 8 taxa by 1 taxonomic ranks ]
#> otu_get(counts = TRUE)		 [ 8 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> psExtra info:
#> tax_agg = "Phylum" tax_trans = "clr" 

# this is equivalent to the two-step method (agg then transform)
tax_agg(dietswap, rank = "Phylum") %>% tax_transform("clr")
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 8 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 222 samples by 8 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 8 taxa by 1 taxonomic ranks ]
#> otu_get(counts = TRUE)		 [ 8 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> psExtra info:
#> tax_agg = "Phylum" tax_trans = "clr" 

# does nothing except record tax_agg as "unique" and tax_transform as "identity" in psExtra info
dietswap %>% tax_transform("identity", rank = NA)
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 130 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 222 samples by 8 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 130 taxa by 4 taxonomic ranks ]
#> psExtra info:
#> tax_agg = "unique" tax_trans = "identity" 

# binary transformation (convert abundances to presence/absence or detected/undetected)
tax_transform(dietswap, trans = "binary", rank = "Genus")
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 130 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 222 samples by 8 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 130 taxa by 3 taxonomic ranks ]
#> otu_get(counts = TRUE)		 [ 130 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> psExtra info:
#> tax_agg = "Genus" tax_trans = "binary" 
# change detection threshold by setting undetected argument (default is 0)
tax_transform(dietswap, trans = "binary", rank = "Genus", undetected = 50) %>%
  otu_get() %>%
  .[1:6, 1:4]
#> OTU Table:          [4 taxa and 6 samples]
#>                      taxa are columns
#>          Actinomycetaceae Aerococcus Aeromonas Akkermansia
#> Sample-1                0          0         0           0
#> Sample-2                0          0         0           1
#> Sample-3                0          0         0           1
#> Sample-4                0          0         0           1
#> Sample-5                0          0         0           0
#> Sample-6                0          0         0           0

# log2 transformation after replacing all zeros with a pseudocount of 1
tax_transform(dietswap, trans = "log2", rank = "Family", zero_replace = 1)
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 22 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 222 samples by 8 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 22 taxa by 2 taxonomic ranks ]
#> otu_get(counts = TRUE)		 [ 22 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> psExtra info:
#> tax_agg = "Family" tax_trans = "log2" 

# log2 transformation after replacing all zeros with a pseudocount of half
# the minimum non-zero count value in the aggregated dataset
tax_transform(dietswap, trans = "log2", rank = "Family", zero_replace = "halfmin")
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 22 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 222 samples by 8 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 22 taxa by 2 taxonomic ranks ]
#> otu_get(counts = TRUE)		 [ 22 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> psExtra info:
#> tax_agg = "Family" tax_trans = "log2"