Customise taxa and constraint labels on your ordination plots. Choose 'text' or 'label' type, rotate and/or justify the text/labels and set aesthetic appearances using tax_lab_style() or constraint_lab_style().

  type = "label",
  max_angle = 0,
  perpendicular = FALSE,
  aspect_ratio = 1,
  justify = "auto",
  size = 2,
  alpha = 1,
  colour = "black",

  type = "label",
  max_angle = 0,
  perpendicular = FALSE,
  aspect_ratio = 1,
  justify = "auto",
  size = 2.5,
  alpha = 1,
  colour = "brown",



'label', 'text' or 'richtext' ('richtext' also used if 'label' type are rotated, when max_angle > 0)


maximum angle of rotation to allow to match vector angle (requires ggtext package to rotate "label" type)


if TRUE, sets rotated labels perpendicular to desired angle, not parallel


aspect ratio of plot (y/x) must also be used in coord_fixed() ratio argument (must be set when rotated labels are used, to ensure match to arrow angles)


"center", "side", or "auto"? Should the text/label align with the arrows at the text center or text sides (uses hjust, if 'auto', picks based on whether max_angle is greater than 0)


fixed size of text or label


fixed alpha of text or label


fixed colour of text or label


further named arguments passed to geom_text, geom_label or geom_richtext


named list


# These examples show styling of taxa labels with tax_lab_style().
# The same options are available for constraint labels in constrained
# ordinations. constraint_lab_style() just has different default settings.


# get example inflammatory bowel disease stool dataset from corncob package
data("ibd", package = "microViz")

# filter out rare taxa and clean up names etc
ibd <- ibd %>%
  tax_filter(min_prevalence = 3) %>%
  tax_fix() %>%

# calculate a centered-log-ratio transformed PCA ordination
ibd_ord <- ibd %>%
  tax_transform("clr", rank = "Genus") %>%

# basic plot with default label style
ibd_ord %>% ord_plot(color = "ibd", plot_taxa = 1:10)

# Rotating labels: requires the ggtext package #
# A fixed coordinate ratio must be set to ensure label rotation
# matches the vectors. It is also helpful to set the vector and label length
# multipliers manually for a good look. Rotated labels are justified to the
# 'sides' automatically by tax_lab_style() with justify = 'auto'
ibd_ord %>%
    color = "ibd", plot_taxa = 1:7,
    tax_vec_length = 1.3, tax_lab_length = 1.3,
    tax_lab_style = tax_lab_style(max_angle = 90)
  ) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-3.5, 3.5))

# You can use text instead of labels
# - a bold fontface helps text to stand out
# - see ?ggplot2::geom_text for all settings available
ibd_ord %>%
    color = "ibd", plot_taxa = 1:7,
    tax_vec_length = 1.3, tax_lab_length = 1.4,
    tax_lab_style = tax_lab_style(
      type = "text", max_angle = 90, size = 2.5, fontface = "bold.italic"
  ) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-3.5, 3.5))

# With text you can prevent overlaps with check_overlap = TRUE
ibd_ord %>%
    color = "ibd", plot_taxa = 1:12,
    tax_vec_length = 1.3, tax_lab_length = 1.4,
    tax_lab_style = tax_lab_style(
      type = "text", max_angle = 90, size = 3, fontface = "bold.italic",
      check_overlap = TRUE
  ) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-3.5, 3.5))

# With labels, you can reduce the padding and line weight to free space
# but check_overlap is not available
# see ?ggtext::geom_richtext for more possibilities
ibd_ord %>%
    color = "ibd", plot_taxa = 1:7,
    tax_vec_length = 1.3, tax_lab_length = 1.35,
    tax_lab_style = tax_lab_style(
      max_angle = 90, fontface = "italic", size = 2.5, fill = "grey95",
      label.size = 0.1, # width outline
      label.padding = unit(0.1, "lines"),
      label.r = unit(0, "lines") # reduces rounding of corners to radius 0
  ) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-3.5, 3.5))

# Perpendicular angled labels/text are possible
ibd_ord %>%
    color = "ibd", plot_taxa = 1:12,
    tax_lab_style = tax_lab_style(
      type = "text", max_angle = 90, perpendicular = TRUE, size = 3,
      check_overlap = TRUE
  ) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-3.5, 3.5))

# You can limit and/or attenuate the angle of rotation by:
#  - setting a lower max_angle
#  - decreasing the aspect_ratio in the tax_lab_style call
ibd_ord %>%
    shape = "circle", color = "ibd", plot_taxa = 1:7,
    tax_vec_length = 1.3, tax_lab_length = 1.3,
    tax_lab_style = tax_lab_style(
      max_angle = 10, size = 2, label.size = 0.1,
      label.padding = unit(0.1, "lines"), label.r = unit(0, "lines")
  ) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-3.5, 3.5))

ibd_ord %>%
    shape = "circle", color = "ibd", plot_taxa = 1:7,
    tax_vec_length = 1.3, tax_lab_length = 1.3,
    tax_lab_style = tax_lab_style(
      max_angle = 90, size = 2, label.size = 0.1, aspect_ratio = 0.5,
      label.padding = unit(0.1, "lines"), label.r = unit(0, "lines")
  ) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-3.5, 3.5))

# another example with some extras #
ibd_ord %>%
    shape = "circle filled", fill = "ibd",
    plot_taxa = 1:10,
    taxon_renamer = function(x) stringr::str_replace_all(x, "_", " "),
    tax_vec_length = 2, tax_lab_length = 2.1,
    tax_lab_style = tax_lab_style(
      type = "text", max_angle = 90, size = 2.5,
      fontface = "bold.italic", check_overlap = TRUE
  ) +
  coord_fixed(1, clip = "off", xlim = c(-5, 5)) +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.2), legend.background = element_rect()) +
  stat_chull(mapping = aes(colour = ibd, fill = ibd), alpha = 0.1)
#> Warning: A numeric `legend.position` argument in `theme()` was deprecated in ggplot2
#> 3.5.0.
#>  Please use the `legend.position.inside` argument of `theme()` instead.