Runs a function e.g. broom::tidy on a list of models, i.e. the output of taxatree_models or tax_model

taxatree_models2stats(data, fun = "auto", ..., .keep_models = FALSE)

tax_models2stats(data, rank = NULL, fun = "auto", ..., .keep_models = FALSE)



psExtra with attached tax_models or taxatree_models list, or just the list of models


function to assist extraction of stats dataframe from models, or "auto"


extra arguments passed to fun


should the models list be kept in the psExtra output?


string naming rank at which tax_model was run (needed if data is a list)


data.frame, attached to psExtra


  • taxatree_models2stats(): Extract stats from list or psExtra output of taxatree_models

  • tax_models2stats(): Extract stats from list or psExtra output of tax_model


# This example is an abbreviated excerpt from article on taxon modelling on
# the microViz documentation website

data("ibd", package = "microViz")

# We'll keep only the Ulcerative Colitis and Healthy Control samples, to
# simplify the analyses for this example. We'll also remove the Species
# rank information, as most OTUs in this dataset are not assigned to a
# species. We'll also use `tax_fix` to fill any gaps where the Genus is
# unknown, with the family name or whatever higher rank classification is
# known.

phylo <- ibd %>%
  ps_filter(DiseaseState %in% c("UC", "nonIBD")) %>%
  tax_mutate(Species = NULL) %>%

# Let's make some sample data variables that are easier to use and compare
# in the statistical modelling ahead. We will convert dichotomous
# categorical variables into similar binary variables (values: 1 for true,
# or 0 for false). We will also scale and center the numeric variable for
# age.

phylo <- phylo %>%
    UC = ifelse(DiseaseState == "UC", yes = 1, no = 0),
    female = ifelse(gender == "female", yes = 1, no = 0),
    antibiotics = ifelse(abx == "abx", yes = 1, no = 0),
    steroids = ifelse(steroids == "steroids", yes = 1, no = 0),
    age_scaled = scale(age, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

lm_models <- phylo %>%
  tax_fix() %>%
  tax_prepend_ranks() %>%
  tax_transform("compositional", rank = "Genus") %>%
  tax_filter(min_prevalence = 0.1, use_counts = TRUE) %>%
    type = lm,
    trans = "log2", trans_args = list(zero_replace = "halfmin"),
    ranks = c("Phylum", "Class", "Genus"),
    variables = c("UC", "female", "antibiotics", "steroids", "age_scaled")
#> Proportional min_prevalence given: 0.1 --> min 7/67 samples.
#> 2024-12-16 10:21:43.560688 - modelling at rank: Phylum
#> 2024-12-16 10:21:43.712095 - modelling at rank: Class
#> 2024-12-16 10:21:43.962471 - modelling at rank: Genus

lm_stats <- lm_models %>% taxatree_models2stats()

# inspect the psExtra returned, now with taxatree_stats dataframe added
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 68 taxa and 67 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 67 samples by 19 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 68 taxa by 6 taxonomic ranks ]
#> otu_get(counts = TRUE)		 [ 68 taxa and 67 samples ]
#> psExtra info:
#> tax_agg = "Genus" tax_trans = "compositional" 
#> taxatree_stats dataframe:
#> 88 taxa at 3 ranks: Phylum, Class, Genus 
#> 5 terms: UC, female, antibiotics, steroids, age_scaled

# inspect the dataframe itself
lm_stats %>% taxatree_stats_get()
#> # A tibble: 440 × 8
#>    term        taxon          rank  formula estimate std.error statistic p.value
#>    <fct>       <chr>          <fct> <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 UC          P: Firmicutes  Phyl… `P: Fi…   0.0430     0.455    0.0945  0.925 
#>  2 female      P: Firmicutes  Phyl… `P: Fi…  -0.297      0.324   -0.919   0.362 
#>  3 antibiotics P: Firmicutes  Phyl… `P: Fi…  -0.793      0.440   -1.80    0.0763
#>  4 steroids    P: Firmicutes  Phyl… `P: Fi…  -0.747      0.415   -1.80    0.0771
#>  5 age_scaled  P: Firmicutes  Phyl… `P: Fi…   0.144      0.183    0.788   0.434 
#>  6 UC          P: Bacteroide… Phyl… `P: Ba…  -2.58       1.63    -1.58    0.120 
#>  7 female      P: Bacteroide… Phyl… `P: Ba…  -1.01       1.16    -0.870   0.388 
#>  8 antibiotics P: Bacteroide… Phyl… `P: Ba…   1.52       1.58     0.962   0.340 
#>  9 steroids    P: Bacteroide… Phyl… `P: Ba…  -1.67       1.49    -1.12    0.266 
#> 10 age_scaled  P: Bacteroide… Phyl… `P: Ba…  -0.340      0.655   -0.519   0.605 
#> # ℹ 430 more rows

# keep the models on the psExtra object
lm_models %>% taxatree_models2stats(.keep_models = TRUE)
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 68 taxa and 67 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 67 samples by 19 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 68 taxa by 6 taxonomic ranks ]
#> otu_get(counts = TRUE)		 [ 68 taxa and 67 samples ]
#> psExtra info:
#> tax_agg = "Genus" tax_trans = "compositional" 
#> taxatree_models list:
#> Ranks: Phylum/Class/Genus
#> taxatree_stats dataframe:
#> 88 taxa at 3 ranks: Phylum, Class, Genus 
#> 5 terms: UC, female, antibiotics, steroids, age_scaled

# you can adjust the p values with taxatree_stats_p_adjust

# you can plot the results with taxatree_plots