Which taxon is most abundant in each sample of your phyloseq object? This function adds this information as a new variable in your phyloseq sample_data.
If the most abundant taxon is below the proportional abundance threshold, the dominant taxon will be "none" for that sample
If there are more than n_max dominant taxa across all samples (not including "none") the dominant taxon will be "other" for those samples
threshold = 0.3,
n_max = 6,
var = paste("dominant", rank, sep = "_"),
none = "none",
other = "other"
phyloseq object
taxonomic rank to calculate dominance at
minimum proportion at which to consider a sample dominated by a taxon
maximum number of taxa that can be listed as dominant taxa
name of variable to add to phyloseq object sample data
character value to use when no taxon reaches threshold
character value to use when another taxon (>n_max) dominates
phyloseq object
Thanks to Vitor Heidrich for the idea and a draft implementation
ps <- microViz::ibd %>%
tax_filter(min_prevalence = 3) %>%
tax_fix() %>%
ps %>%
ps_filter(DiseaseState == "CD") %>%
ps_calc_dominant(rank = "Genus") %>%
comp_barplot(tax_level = "Genus", label = "dominant_Genus", n_taxa = 12) +
ps %>%
ps_calc_dominant(rank = "Genus") %>%
tax_transform(rank = "Genus", trans = "clr") %>%
ord_calc("PCA") %>%
ord_plot(colour = "dominant_Genus", size = 3, alpha = 0.6) +
scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Dark2")
# customise function options
ps %>%
rank = "Family", other = "Other", none = "Not dominated",
threshold = 0.4, n_max = 3
) %>%
tax_transform(rank = "Genus", trans = "clr") %>%
ord_calc("PCA") %>%
ord_plot(colour = "dominant_Family", size = 3, alpha = 0.6) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c(
Bacteroidaceae = "forestgreen", Lachnospiraceae = "darkblue",
Ruminococcaceae = "darkorange", Other = "red", "Not dominated" = "grey"