Uses a psExtra object to make a tree graph structure from the taxonomic table.
Then adds statistical results stored in "taxatree_stats" of psExtra data
You must use taxatree_models()
first to generate statistical model results.
You can adjust p-values with taxatree_stats_p_adjust()
colour_stat = "estimate",
palette = "Green-Brown",
reverse_palette = FALSE,
colour_lims = NULL,
colour_oob = scales::oob_squish,
colour_trans = "abs_sqrt",
size_stat = list(prevalence = prev),
node_size_range = c(1, 4),
edge_width_range = node_size_range * 0.8,
size_guide = "legend",
size_trans = "identity",
sig_stat = "p.value",
sig_threshold = 0.05,
sig_shape = "circle filled",
sig_size = 0.75,
sig_stroke = 0.75,
sig_colour = "white",
edge_alpha = 0.7,
vars = "term",
var_renamer = identity,
title_size = 10,
layout = "tree",
layout_seed = NA,
circular = identical(layout, "tree"),
node_sort = NULL,
add_circles = isTRUE(circular),
drop_ranks = TRUE,
l1 = if (palette == "Green-Brown") 10 else NULL,
l2 = if (palette == "Green-Brown") 85 else NULL,
colour_na = "grey35"
psExtra with taxatree_stats, e.g. output of taxatree_models2stats()
name of variable to scale colour/fill of nodes and edges
diverging hcl colour palette name from colorspace::hcl_palettes("diverging")
reverse direction of colour palette?
limits of colour and fill scale, NULL will infer lims from range of all data
scales function to handle colour_stat values outside of colour_lims (default simply squishes "out of bounds" values into the given range)
name of transformation for colour scale:
default is "abs_sqrt", the square-root of absolute values,
but you can use the name of any transformer from the scales
such as "identity" or "exp"
named list of length 1, giving function calculated for each taxon, to determine the size of nodes (and edges). Name used as size legend title.
min and max node sizes, decrease to avoid node overlap
min and max edge widths
guide for node sizes, try "none", "legend" or ggplot2::guide_legend()
transformation for size scale you can use (the name of) any transformer from the scales package, such as "identity", "log1p", or "sqrt"
name of variable indicating statistical significance
value of sig_stat variable indicating statistical significance (below this)
fixed shape for significance marker
fixed size for significance marker
fixed stroke width for significance marker
fixed colour for significance marker (used as fill for filled shapes)
fixed alpha value for edges
name of column indicating terms in models (one plot made per term)
function to rename variables for plot titles
font size of title
any ggraph layout, default is "tree"
any numeric, required if a stochastic igraph layout is named
should the layout be circular?
sort nodes by "increasing" or "decreasing" size? NULL for no sorting.
Use tax_sort()
before taxatree_plots()
for finer control.
add faint concentric circles to plot, behind each rank?
drop ranks from tree if not included in stats dataframe
Luminance value at the scale endpoints, NULL for palette's default
Luminance value at the scale midpoint, NULL for palette's default
colour for NA values in tree. (if unused ranks are not dropped, they will have NA values for colour_stat)
list of ggraph ggplots
plots same layout as taxatree_plots
, but in a fixed colour
See website article for more examples of use: https://david-barnett.github.io/microViz/articles/web-only/modelling-taxa.html
Uses ggraph, see help for main underlying graphing function with ?ggraph::ggraph
It is possible to provide multiple significance markers for multiple thresholds, by passing vectors to the sig_shape, sig_threshold, etc. arguments. It is critically important that the thresholds are provided in decreasing order of severity, e.g. sig_threshold = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1) and you must provide a shape value for each of them.
to calculate statistical models for each taxon
to plot the corresponding labelled key
and taxatree_label()
to add labels
to adjust p-values
# Limited examples, see website article for more
data(dietswap, package = "microbiome")
ps <- dietswap
# create some binary variables for easy visualisation
ps <- ps %>% ps_mutate(
female = if_else(sex == "female", 1, 0, NaN),
african = if_else(nationality == "AFR", 1, 0, NaN)
# This example dataset has some taxa with the same name for phylum and family...
# We can fix problems like this with the tax_prepend_ranks function
# (This will always happen with Actinobacteria!)
ps <- tax_prepend_ranks(ps)
# filter out rare taxa
ps <- ps %>% tax_filter(
min_prevalence = 0.5, prev_detection_threshold = 100
#> Proportional min_prevalence given: 0.5 --> min 111/222 samples.
# delete the Family rank as we will not use it for this small example
# this is necessary as taxatree_plots can only plot consecutive ranks
ps <- ps %>% tax_mutate(Family = NULL)
# specify variables used for modelling
models <- taxatree_models(
ps = ps, type = corncob::bbdml, ranks = c("Phylum", "Genus"),
formula = ~ female + african, verbose = TRUE
#> 2024-12-16 10:22:45.521128 - modelling at rank: Phylum
#> Modelling: P: Bacteroidetes
#> Modelling: P: Firmicutes
#> 2024-12-16 10:22:45.72782 - modelling at rank: Genus
#> Modelling: G: Allistipes et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Bacteroides vulgatus et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Butyrivibrio crossotus et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Clostridium cellulosi et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Clostridium orbiscindens et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Clostridium symbiosum et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Faecalibacterium prausnitzii et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Oscillospira guillermondii et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Prevotella melaninogenica et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Prevotella oralis et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Ruminococcus obeum et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Sporobacter termitidis et rel.
#> Modelling: G: Subdoligranulum variable at rel.
# models list stored as attachment in psExtra
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table() OTU Table: [ 13 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data: [ 222 samples by 10 sample variables ]
#> tax_table() Taxonomy Table: [ 13 taxa by 2 taxonomic ranks ]
#> taxatree_models list:
#> Ranks: Phylum/Genus
# get stats from models
stats <- taxatree_models2stats(models, param = "mu")
#> psExtra object - a phyloseq object with extra slots:
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table() OTU Table: [ 13 taxa and 222 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data: [ 222 samples by 10 sample variables ]
#> tax_table() Taxonomy Table: [ 13 taxa by 2 taxonomic ranks ]
#> taxatree_stats dataframe:
#> 15 taxa at 2 ranks: Phylum, Genus
#> 2 terms: female, african
plots <- taxatree_plots(
data = stats, colour_trans = "identity",
size_stat = list(mean = mean),
size_guide = "legend", node_size_range = c(1, 6)
# if you change the size_stat for the plots, do the same for the key!!
key <- taxatree_plotkey(
data = stats,
rank == "Phylum" | p.value < 0.05, # labelling criteria
.combine_label = all, # label only taxa where criteria met for both plots
size_stat = list(mean = mean),
node_size_range = c(2, 7), size_guide = "none",
taxon_renamer = function(x) {
stringr::str_remove_all(x, "[PG]: | [ae]t rel.")
# cowplot is powerful for arranging trees and key and colourbar legend
legend <- cowplot::get_legend(plots[[1]])
#> Warning: Multiple components found; returning the first one. To return all, use `return_all = TRUE`.
plot_col <- cowplot::plot_grid(
plots[[1]] + theme(legend.position = "none"),
plots[[2]] + theme(legend.position = "none"),
ncol = 1
cowplot::plot_grid(key, plot_col, legend, nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(4, 2, 1))