Plot correlations between (transformed) microbial abundances and (selected) numeric-like sample_data variables from a phyloseq object.
Lots of customisation options available through the listed arguments,
and you can pass any other argument from ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
taxa = NA,
tax_anno = taxAnnotation(Prev. = anno_tax_prev(), Abun. = anno_tax_box()),
taxon_renamer = identity,
vars = NA,
var_anno = NULL,
cor = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"),
cor_use = "everything",
colors = heat_palette(palette = "Blue-Red 2", sym = TRUE),
numbers = heat_numbers(decimals = 1, col = "black", fontface = "plain"),
taxa_side = "right",
vars_side = adjacent_side(taxa_side),
seriation_method = "OLO_ward",
seriation_dist = "euclidean",
seriation_method_col = seriation_method,
seriation_dist_col = seriation_dist,
var_fun = "identity",
grid_col = "white",
grid_lwd = 0.5,
anno_tax = NULL,
anno_vars = NULL,
phyloseq or phyloseq extra
list of taxa to include, or NA for all
NULL or annotation function for taxa: taxAnnotation() output.
function to rename taxa before plotting
selection of variable names from sample_data
NULL or annotation function for variables: varAnnotation() output.
correlation coefficient. pearson/kendall/spearman, can be abbreviated (used as legend title)
passed to cor(use = cor_use)
output of heat_palette() to set heatmap fill color scheme
output of heat_numbers() to draw numbers on heatmap cells
"top"/"right"/"bottom"/"left": controls heatmap orientation and where any annotations specified in tax_anno are placed
which side to place any variable annotations specified in var_anno, must be an adjacent side to taxa_side
method to order the rows (in seriation::seriate)
distance to use in seriation_method (if needed)
method to order the columns (in seriation::seriate)
distance to use in seriation_method_col (if needed)
a function (or name of) to be applied to columns of a matrix of vars before correlating (but not used in any variable annotations)
colour of gridlines, or NA for none
width of gridlines
DEPRECATED: optional annotation of taxa distributions: tax_anno() list output, or a pre-made ComplexHeatmap HeatmapAnnotation
DEPRECATED: use var_anno argument instead. Optional annotation of variable distributions: var_anno() list output, or a pre-made ComplexHeatmap HeatmapAnnotation
Arguments passed on to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap
Width of the row dendrogram, should be a unit
Whether show row dendrogram?
Graphic parameters for the dendrogram segments. If users already provide a dendrogram
object with edges rendered, this argument will be ignored.
Whether show row names.
Graphic parameters for row names.
Rotation of row names.
Should row names put centered?
Whether show heatmap legend?
Using a data.frame for the data argument is also possible, in which case the (selected) numeric-like variables will be correlated with each other, and all arguments relating to taxa will be ignored.
data("dietswap", package = "microbiome")
# create a couple of numerical variables to use
psq <- dietswap %>%
weight = recode(bmi_group, obese = 3, overweight = 2, lean = 1),
female = if_else(sex == "female", true = 1, false = 0),
african = if_else(nationality == "AFR", true = 1, false = 0)
psq <- tax_filter(psq, min_prevalence = 1 / 10, min_sample_abundance = 1 / 10)
#> Proportional min_prevalence given: 0.1 --> min 23/222 samples.
psq <- tax_agg(psq, "Genus")
# randomly select 20 taxa from the 50 most abundant taxa
taxa <- sample(tax_top(psq, n = 50), size = 20)
# NOTE: detection threshold set to 50 as HITchip example data seems to have background noise
ud <- 50
# make simple correlation heatmap with all numeric-like variables
data = psq, taxa = taxa,
tax_anno = taxAnnotation(
Prv. = anno_tax_prev(undetected = ud),
Abd. = anno_tax_box(undetected = ud)
# You can create an annotation object separately in advance
taxAnno <- taxAnnotation(
Prv. = anno_tax_prev(undetected = ud), Abd. = anno_tax_box(undetected = ud)
class(taxAnno) # "function"
#> [1] "function"
# You can select which numeric-like variables to correlate taxa with
psq, taxa,
vars = c("african", "female", "weight"), tax_anno = taxAnno
# Also you can choose alternative correlation measures
cor_heatmap(psq, taxa, cor = "spearman", tax_anno = taxAnno)
# Annotating variables is possible, and easy with varAnnotation()
data = psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno,
var_anno = varAnnotation(Val. = anno_var_box(size = grid::unit(2, "cm")))
# you can transform the variables before correlating by var_fun
# notice this does not affect the data used for annotations
data = psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno, var_fun = "exp",
var_anno = varAnnotation(Val. = anno_var_box(size = grid::unit(2, "cm")))
# other and multiple annotations
data = psq, taxa = taxa[1:10], vars = c("african", "weight", "female"),
tax_anno = taxAnno,
var_anno = varAnnotation(
value = anno_var_hist(size = grid::unit(15, "mm")),
log10p = anno_var_box(function(x) log10(x + 1))
# make the same heatmap, but rotated
data = psq, taxa = taxa[1:10], vars = c("african", "weight", "female"),
tax_anno = taxAnno, taxa_side = "top",
var_anno = varAnnotation(
value = anno_var_hist(size = grid::unit(15, "mm")),
log10p = anno_var_box(function(x) log10(x + 1))
# You can change the colour scheme used, using heat_palette()
data = psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno,
colors = heat_palette("Green-Orange", rev = TRUE, sym = TRUE)
# You can hide or change the style of the numbers with heat_numbers()
cor_heatmap(data = psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno, numbers = NULL)
data = psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno,
colors = heat_palette("Berlin", rev = TRUE, sym = TRUE),
numbers = heat_numbers(decimals = 2, col = "white", fontface = "bold")
# You can hide or change the style of the grid lines with grid_col & grid_lwd
cor_heatmap(psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno, grid_col = NA) # hidden
cor_heatmap(psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno, grid_lwd = 3) # bigger
# You can pass any other argument from `ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()` to `...`
# e.g. You can set the absolute width and height of the heatmap body
data = psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno,
width = grid::unit(40, "mm"), height = grid::unit(10, "cm")
# e.g. You can suppress the legend
data = psq, taxa = taxa, tax_anno = taxAnno, show_heatmap_legend = FALSE,
width = grid::unit(40, "mm"), height = grid::unit(10, "cm")